Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Word Sponge

So, yes, yes, we all know there are those inevitable times when words come out 'o Mama's mouth that she wishes little ears didn't hear (hello, our little, "oh, ship," issue).

But--for every time something slips that shouldn't be repeated, there are a dozen times something slips that's just fine. 

Something that works its way into Chica's repertoire of words and phrases and makes me smile--because it's usually something I don't know I said. And now I don't have to anymore, because Chica says it for me :)


"Al-right!" (Said with great enthusiasm whenever the car is parked and we're about to run in somewhere for an errand.)

"Come on!" (Said--along with this cute little follow-me gesture--pretty much any time we change room locations throughout the day. Which is a lot.)

"Huh-neee." (You know, "honey," but with a slightly exasperated inflection, since it's said to Chicklet a dozen times each car ride, when she screams herself into a fit for no discernible reason.)

"Well, hell-oh." (Said to Chicklet anytime she's down on the floor, looking up with those beautiful, blue eyes, just 'a kickin'.)

There are about a thousand more that aren't going to sound particularly special or cute (as the ones above really don't, either.) But if you were here, and heard the inflection of my beloved daughter, who sounds so much like:)

Pinky swear.

It's a fun language phase :)

And now, 'cause I have no pic for this post, but I love this one just 'cause, here you go:

Yep. That there's some adoration, peeps.

Sigh. Daddy Love is such a sweet thing.

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