Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dissembling Disaster

Last night, I had the hubby remove the car pads on Chica's car seat because she's now been in it a full year--with no washing (of the car seat pads, not the child).

That's a year's with of goldfish, suckers, fruit snacks, apple juice, chocolate chip cookies (Starbucks drive thru), Chick-fil-A nuggets, slobber, and about a thousand other unknown substances.

In short--the car seat was growing a new car seat.

So it was a good thing everything got all washed up and fresh. But it was a very bad thing that the hubby didn't take pictures of the parts before he removed them (screws and all)--as we've learned to do with most child-related items. Because we found ourselves all dressed and ready for church this morning with a bit o' a problem putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Two hours later, we'd missed the service, there was a mutiny brewing in our household and all the women were near the point of starvation (since we'd planned to eat out)--but the seat was finally back together.

Not exactly the Sunday we'd planned. But we ventured out for a family breakfast, and then returned for some backyard fun, thus rescuing the day.

And if these pics don't scream "summer," then I don't know what does.

You think I should run around the yard in my diaper, too???


Happy Weekend, peeps.

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