Wednesday, July 23, 2014

First Lesson In Sharing

Remember this here ball from yesterday???

Well, because it's the first thing that's sister's toy, Chica wants it.

And this is her reaction when she doesn't get it.

Yep--that's her in the distance, flattened like a pancake.

Now that she's officially two years old, Mama and Daddy have ramped up the time outs in an attempt to curb bad behavior before it gets outta control.

And the first thing we attacked was Chica's tendency to chuck the paci when she's upset. And I'm happy to report that in just a few short days (and about seven or eight time outs), she's almost cut it out entirely.

So now that she can't channel her frustration in that manner, she's resorting to other methods (albeit, less temper tantrum-y methods, so that's progress).

In my opinion, it's totally fine for a toddler to get frustrated--especially since they don't have the coping mechanisms or vocabulary to deal with it in other ways. I just don't want any little hellions 'round here! And my pediatrician says you either deal with it and discipline when they're two, or you have a nightmare of a three-year-old.

So...we'll work on the sharing. 'Cause this little nugget isn't going anywhere ;)

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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