Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Bold Bunny

Whenever I make an unauthorized purchase that I don't discuss with the hubby beforehand, I make a running joke that he shouldn't sweat the cost because I used funds from the (imaginary) money tree growing in the backyard. 

So for Father's Day this year, I planted just such a tree.

A Black Diamond, white-blooming crepe myrtle, to be exact.

I put a lot of love and sweat into digging that darn hole, prepping the soil, and planting the thing.

And then I tied dolla dolla bills, y'all to it.


I thought it was fun.

And luckily, the hubby thought it was funny.

And--praise the heavens--the tree is doing well, and even blooming! 'Cause it would seem like a bad sign if your backyard money tree bit the dust.

But...there's a threat to our financial asset! A bunny that sneaks in overnight and nibbles.

We've sprayed the perimeter in defense, but it wears off every few days--or after a solid rain like we had a couple days ago. And yesterday, the hubby caught the bunny red-handed (pawed?).

The bunny was crazy bold and wouldn't scare off--even when splash toy balls and flip flops went flying its way. So the hubby had to get down and dirty and go screaming after it. Hehe.

I only wish I was there to witness it.

We'll do whatever it takes to protect our monies. This thing has to thrive!

Because these beauties need to go to college.


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