Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Beating The Heat

So, yeah, sure, whatevs, we've had a better summer than most, temperature-wise.

But I don't care!

That won't keep me from whining just a teeny-tiny bit because I HATE THIS TERRIBLE HEAT!

I managed to deal with it until about 10 days ago, and then I finally snapped and officially gave into my complaining.

What can I say? I'm weak!

And tired!

Weak and tired, I tell ya.

And it is sooooooo difficult to entertain two energy-filled kiddies day after day when you can't get outside much, or when you do, you wilt like the sad flowers in my potted plants that are pretty much on life-support these days.

So...Mama's had to dig deep (like drilled down to the core of the earth deep) to get creative as we wind down what I hope (I really really REALLY hope) are the last few weeks of summer.

Luckily, today, we had two great finds that will help a bit as we power through until Fall. 


So, yes, I posted about Chica's very first snow cone about a month or so ago, but pffft. The new place we found today blows that old place outta the water!

Drum roll puh-lease...


I mean, just look at that beaut. Yuuuuum. Now let me count the ways of its awesomeness:

1. This place is drive-thru. Toddler, baby in car seat, Mama, and mountainous purse can stay in car. Halleluiah. Amen.

2. It's not traditional snow cone ice, it's shaved ice. Sooooo much better.

3. Umbrella. 'Nuff said.

4. Hawaiian Colada flavoring. It's like a beach in a cup. I can feel the breeze and smell the sunscreen.

5. It's only a couple miles away, and a pretty lovely drive, at that.

Chica loved. I loved. And soon...Chicklet will love.

And now, for our second major find of the day...


(Seriously--"Mania" is in the title of the place.)

Since the heat has ruined even the earliest morning outdoor fun, I've been keeping my beady eye out for any and all creative alternatives.

And yesterday, I noticed a place that turned out to be a real winner. Ding ding ding!

Its virtues:

1. It's only a few miles down the highway.

2. It only costs $3.50.

3. It was relatively low-key (translation: not the spastic birthday-party kind of chaos that makes you fear for your life and immediately pop the Advil for your tension headache. I suspect both the weekday and school-back-in-session timing helped immensely.)

4. They have a nifty, separate play structure (that's huge--seriously, it's even several levels high) for kids three and under.

5. They stamp parent and child on the hand upon entering, but you can only see the number under a black light. In order to exit, they verify that the child is yours, so you don't have to worry about any dangerous scenarios.

Needless to say--Chica had a buh-last (understatement much)! She loved running around on her own and with some other kids. And Chicklet loved watching from the Bjorn.

Most of the pics are blurry action shots, but here ya go:

Important event of note: Chica may or may not have leaned in for a peck with a little boy she was running around with.

Fortunately for Daddy, I cannot verify whether or not official contact was made, as I didn't have a clear angle.

Unfortunately for Daddy, this particular little boy was the one pretending to be a ninja warrior. Yep--a jock.

So...all in all, a good day full of two good finds.

If only Chica hadn't unfolded my clean load of towels this evening and worn them around like Cousin It, it might've been a perfect day ;)

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

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