Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Transition--Night 1

The hubby and I waited patiently (if sleeplessly!) until Chica hit her 4-month mark, because that's when her doc recommended we start Baby Boot Camp (aka: sleep training). And last night, the battle begun. The official transition from our room to her own crib.

If you'll remember my lamenting, I dipped my toe in for some nap time training around the 3-month mark, and though I didn't really post details about it, it was disastrous. And painful. And sad. And LOUD. And put the whole household--Chica included--in a funk for the five days we went for it before abandoning ship.

So I was under NO delusions that last night would be better, but the doc said to go for nighttime training first (in the hopes that naps would follow suit), so I braced myself for the pain, had a beautiful talk with my beloved secondborn before leaving her in the crib, and immediately set about distracting myself with cleaning, laundry, sheet-changing, etc., to wait out the heartbreak.

Here's the final count for how long she cried:



But to be honest, I expected her to exceed the 90-minute mark, so it was a tad better than my expectations.

And then do you know what happened?

Do you???

DO you??????

SHE SLEPT 10 STRAIGHT HOURS (as in--1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) WITHOUT A PEEP!!

Not a single peep!

Ten staight hours!!!

And she only woke when I went to nurse her shortly after 8 a.m. because I was a little concerned.

Words cannot express how dumbfounded I am by this occurrence. 

Was it a fluke?

Were the stars aligned just right?

Was this God's reward for four months of  sleep deprivation?

Was she just ready?

Was it because she learned to roll to her belly this week, and therefore, could sleep there?

Who knows!!! Certainly not me. But I'm DYING to see what happens tonight!

For the record--here's how she slept the ENTIRE night, with her arm out and sort of holding onto the crib railing.

I think it gave her comfort to have the side of the crib to rest against. Sort of like the Mama she might have missed.

Such a little snuggle bug, this one is.

And here's her little cheek that was a tad red from being slept on (and probably slept on in a little drool).

And here's her little alfalfa hair sprout she worked on all night.

Sooooooo proud of my little nugget, even if it was a fluke.

And I'm sooooooo missing her in our room, even though I know it's time.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's installment!

Night, peeps.

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