Sunday, September 14, 2014

Horses & Elephants & Jaguars!

Well peeps--we made it there and back in one collective, family-of-four piece!

And by "there," I mean to Oklahoma and back to see la familia this weekend.

And man, was it a zoo.

Like, literally.

The trip was full 'o horses and jaguars and giraffes and monkeys and penguins and elephants and so much more.

I'd tell ya about it in detail, but I'm oh-so-bone-weary tired, so I'll give you a gazillion pics instead, with a few captions every now and then.


I'm gonna take your silence as acquiescence.

(If only that was the case with my toddler.)


Uncle Ricky and his wall of awesome prize ribbons at the National American Miniature Horse Show (I hope I got that right!): 

He was the main attraction for the road trip, 'cause we just gotta see him when he's in the neighboring state. It's never a long enough visit but we love him (and I totally won with the lunch check, which pretty much made my weekend.)

And now...the zoo pics!

Chica's obsessed with elephants but expected them all to be the size they are in her books--not HUGE like they are. So she only peeked from afar:

Chicklet wasn't so scared ;)

Cousin fun:

Touchy-feely with the elephant statue:


Fountain! Grass! FREEDOM!!!


Giraffes are tall.

I luv my cousin.

Sea lion swim-by!

First taste of cotton candy (Wait--that's a lie. The pic of the very first taste was like, What the...???? Oh. Yum.)

Jaguars!!! Must. Get. Closer. (More on jaguars in a later post.)

More cousin love and cuteness.

Carousel preciousness.

Oh's the cotton candy pic. ;)

So much fun.

So glad to be home sweet home.

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