Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Play Buds

It was a play day with friends 'round these parts, and boy were my girlies excited to have some buds around to expend some energy with.

And expend they did!

First indoors...

And then out...

I generally try not to show close-up shots on this here blog of kiddos I didn't birth, so forgive the zoomed out pics. I think you'll still get the gist.

The gist being that fun was had, of course.

Here Chica is extending an olive branch of friendship. Literally.

I mean, to have someone share her enthusiasm for thing. ever.

That ginormous one, she's been eyeing for months. What a treat to finally have an extra set of hands for hoisting!

An even bigger treat--if by "treat," you mean a slightly unpleasant, slithery, but thankfully, far away sighting of a snake...well, then, it happened, folks.

I've had neighbors tell me a snake or two live in the rocks beneath the bridge at the pond, but if never spotted one...until today!

You'll just have to trust me that it's there, partially hidden beneath on of the rocks because it's too camouflaged to point out:

Luckily, it was far enough away to serve as an educational, but not frighten ending event for the little ones.

Gotta love the great outdoors!

And you gotta love play dates!

Happy We're Almost In The Homestretch Toward The Weekend, peeps!

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