Thursday, October 9, 2014

What's Old Is New Again

Stuff makes me cuh-RAZY.

And I don't mean stuff, I mean stuff.

Clear? Good. I'm glad you're with me.


But just in case you aren' "stuff," I mean miscellaneous items without a proper place to live.

And it goes without saying that kids come with a lot o' stuff!

Since the great purge of last year's move, I'm continually conscious of what is bought and brought (hehe, that sounds funny) into our home. And you know what? Routinely donating items that could be of benefit to someone else, and keeping things organized has really made a difference for me.

As a natural bi-product of this slightly obsessive purge/donate/organize cycle, I made it a habit some time ago to store away a handful of Chica's toys that she didn't seem to be using, but might not be done with. It kept the clutter at bay, but it had an oh-so-fun side-effect:

Everything old became new again!

On a day she seemed a tad bored, I hauled out some of the packed away toys, and, man, was it super duper exciting! Like a mini Christmas.

So I kept doing it, and today, she found one stash on her own, and it was so dang cute to watch her dive into the container and explore.

Not just a bucket, peeps. This is a treasure trove.

She arranged it all on her table and windowsills and had a grande old time.

I highly recommend this out of sight, out of mind trick.

At least until they're old enough to catch on and demand their mother stop confiscating things ;)

Happy It's-Almost-Friday, peeps!

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