Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wind Car

Today was the day for a new crafty project, my friends!

Brought to you by an impulse-purchase at Tar-jay (as most brilliant things are.)

Enter: cute, little wind cars from my new, favorite craft company, Kiwi Crate.

Love the sturdy cardboard boxes the projects come in.

Perhaps it's the former marketing persona in me, but I also love the branding of the materials. Very clean, cute without being cutesy, and EASY peasy to follow.

I knew Chica would dig the sticker part o' the process, and, yup, was I right. 

But then, who doesn't love a good sticker fest???

Just check out that concentration.

The car was so beautifully simple and decorative once we got done with it. Love it.

I sent it on its inaugural zoom, to the delight of my eldest. If only I'd caught the actual car in the frame. Pft. Details, my peeps. Details.

Look. What I have created!!! (Name that movie.)

It wasn't super duper exciting to race it around inside without the small little detail of the wind for the sail.

But Chica tried it out in various spots around the casa. (And kept trying to steal the purple, clay bits off the end of the rods. It's a substance too hard to resist.)

And at long last, after nap time (and a princess dress wardrobe change) we brought it outside and set it free.


Perfect windy day for it.

The kit came with enough materials for a second one, so someday soon we can stage a proper race. That sounds like a task Daddy would hype up ;)

Love doing something different with the day.

Love crafts.

Love this new craft brand.

(Side note: I briefly checked, and this company offers a monthly subscription where they'll send you one of those adorable cardboard boxes filled with 2-3 projects. Sold. 'Cause let's face it--projects that arrive in the mail are awesomesauce.)


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