Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Gilmore Greatness

Today, I had the great joy of sharing with my daughters one of my very, super, duper favorite TV shows in the whole, wide world--Gilmore Girls.

Perhaps the show was on my mind because it was just released on Netflix with a slew of promotion, or perhaps it was on my mind because it's Fall, and something about the fictional town of Stars Hollow where the show takes place (and where I totally want to live) is so perfectly suited to Autumn...or perhaps it was on my mind because I just love the friggin' show and will watch it anytime anywhere, given the chance (which I haven't had for a few years!).

Whatever the reason, after picking up Chick-fil-A for lunch with the girlies, I just couldn't bring myself to watch Chica's current favorite episode of Sofia (yet again!) so I popped in the Gilmore Girls DVD (Season 2, Episode 1, "Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady," if you must know), and my heart totally expanded like a balloon inside when Chica perked up and listened to the classic Carole King opening song/credits.

Nanna--remember back in the day, before DVRs, when we used to call one another to sing along as we watched??? I'd totally forgotten about that! Sigh. Fond memories.

It made me so happy to share just a few minutes with my daughters. Chicklet was there, too! Albeit, playing under the kitchen table, hehe.

You know, it's one of those shows that's totally above their heads and with banter so fast and witty they could never follow, and yet, ultimately a wholesome, mother/daughter-focused story that I'd be great with them viewing.

(Cue the mom's-so-ancient eye rolls when I suggest it in their teen years.)

Oh, well. A Mama can dream.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Oh--in other not-at-all related news: I may or may not have given my baby some Hawaiin Colada Snow Cone today. 

And by some, I mean repeated tastes.

And she dug it.

Best. Mom. Ever.

Sugar is soooo healthy for infants.

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