Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jewel Acorn Caps

For some inexplicable reason, I've been fascinated with acorns this Fall/Winter.

(Yes, yes, I understand that makes me an odd duck.)

It all started when I snagged one for Chica during a walk months ago, and I joked about the acorn's hat. I kept looking at the bugger thinking it was so darn cute (seriously, I need help.)

So when I got an email about this craft project, I was a goner:

It was perfect timing, too, because our church parking lot has loads of fallen acorns, so on Sunday, we snagged an armful.

The project itself is pretty easy peasy.

Just color the inside of the acorn with a marker...

Then stick it in some play dough (or someplace it can sit still for a day or two) and fill it with Elmer's glue. (Then try not to lick it, no matter how much it looks like a little thimble-full o' milk.)

Then repeat all you wanna with various colors.

And pause every so often for silly breaks.

Then when you've done all you want to (in our case, just six pretty colors today), crouch down and check 'em out real close-like.

We let them marinate (as I like to think of it) for an hour or so and came back to check on them. The colors were showing through even more. Very fun.

Can't wait to see them all dry!

And now, for a couple bonus shots of my irresistible pair of munchkins. Chica has been dictating her sister's attire of late (when's Mama lets her), and the result is--yep, no surprise here--her inaugural princess dress.

I mean, is there anything cuter???

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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