Sunday, January 25, 2015

Make Way!

Today was a sad, sad day.

We made a purchase that, a) I'm not totally thrilled about, b) ain't that pretty, and c) is wider than the continental U.S.

Any guesses???



Okay, I'll tell you.

Please allow me to introduce you to Draco The Graco (yep, that's what we named it), our brand new...


I'm not gonna lie--I place owning a double stroller sort of in the same category as owning a minivan (which I don't, and probably won't ever, though I happily grew up with them and as a mom now myself can totally admire for their usefulness, whilst also completely shun for their, well, minivan-ness...can you tell I have minivan issues?).

Anywho...the Draco. It's ginormous and bulky and just kind of humorous to look at (and push) but I kinda sorta need it now.

With both of my girlies, I've been a hardcore fan of the Bjorn, but with Chicklet nearing the 10-month mark (when did that happen???), I can admit that the Draco will come in handy for our neighborhood walks, if nothing else.

So I'm gonna learn to love it like Chica already seems to.

And I'm gonna hope that my sweet Chicklet will enjoy lounging with her sister and getting a slightly different world perspective when getting our fresh air. 'Cause heaven knows, all of us ladies want to enjoy this upcoming week of better weather while we have it!

We'll get out there soon, my sweet girl. I promise!


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