Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cake Crafting!

Helloooooo, my peeps who are still out there!

You kinda miss me lately???

(Pretend, if you have to. Just to give me a little I'm-still-recovering-from-the-stomach-ICK-and-need-a-boost boost.)

So our household is still a little puny, but we're not as bad as we were. So I'm gonna try to catch you up on a few projects we did last week right before the yuck hit. Starting with...

Our fake cake! Courtesy of this month's Kiwi Crate :)

Ingredient #1: Foam Cake Pieces

Perfect for squishing, then arranging just so with a little double-sided tape.

Ingredient #2: Green Clay Icing

Spread it on nice and even (with a little help from Mama)

...and try with all your might to resist that irresistible (to a toddler) taste test...

...'cause it ain't purty when you realize it's clay.

But you recover quickly when you get to this next step:

Ingredient #3: Sticker Toppings!

Blueberries, strawberries and candles--oh my!

And stars. Ya know...for good measure.

Then put your cake someplace safe to dry overnight, and...


Dry, cutie-pie, play-ready cake :)

(That you just can't resist trying to taste one more time.)

Gotta love a cake--real or fake.

(Hey, that rhymed!)

Glad to be alive enough to post tonight, peeps!

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