Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015!

I had the best evening with my family. Seriously. Such an unexpectedly lovely Valentine's out with my very favorite peeps on earth.

We started with yummy food at a fun burger joint we hadn't been to before, followed it up with outdoor play, and then a stop at one of our favorite home furnishing stores to finally bring home a print we'd been eyeing for ages.

Seriously low-key, blissful family time.

And the girlies had a blast.

Love my family to pieces.

P.S. Yes, Chica was flashing her belly in the shot above. She's a flasher like that.

P.P.S. I got pretty much THE best gift ever today, when Chica fell asleep in my lap at nap time...something she probably hasn't done in about nine months. I might have shed a couple happy tears.

P.P.P.S. Chicklet had a fan-freaking-tastic first Valentine's. She told me so. 

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