Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Snow PLAY!

In honor of the latest wave of sleeting rain that's coating our city as I type, lemme share the uber-cute pics of Chica getting her play on in some lovely, fluffy snow last weekend in Illinois.

As a reminder, we woke up last Sunday to this:

And we just had to let Chica fly and be free--especially since she's recently become obsessed with this episode of Doc McStuffins where the gang gets to play outside in a wintery wonderland of their own:

The rest of the pics don't really require any explanation, so just sit back and smile...

(I mean, just look how cute she is, all ready to go. I die.)

(That's Chicklet on the right in yellow, getting a double-kiss while leaning back, hehe.)

(Love that my little vampire child asked for her sunglasses. She is sooooo her mother's daughter when it comes to bright light.)

Yay for sledding!

So glad they had such special fun out there :) Very sweet way to cap off the trip!

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