Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Belle Makes It Better

In my youth, I was a six-days-week ballet dancer.

In my thirties, I am a one-class-every-six-weeks (fingers crossed) yoga practitioner.

The former gave me a bad back (not chronic; just something that flares up.)

The latter ain't enough to keep my spine in check (Pft. Surely yoga once every 42 days should cure anything and everything, yes?).

Luckily, my eldest is a Doc McStuffins in training, and when I mentioned today that my back hurt, she insisted we get a princess band-aide--stat.

But not just any princess for Mama's pain. Oh-ho no.

Only Belle would do.

And only Belle in a very specific spot on my back, which took me three failed attempts to locate according to my doctor daighter's direction.

I'm happy to report that Belle (and a lot of icing, stretching and careful lifting) helped me make it through the day.

I'm so lucky to have this concerned, bossy bugger taking care of me:

I mean, who wouldn't trust their medical care to an Elsa dress-wearing, straw-shunning, fruit snacks-loving, not-yet-three-year-old?


Happy Wednesday, peeps!

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