Wednesday, June 24, 2015

First Maxi Dress!

So, sure, Chica may wear floor-length princess dresses, like, every, single, solitary day of her life, but there's something totally different about a real-life, long dress that's a major deal to a three-year-old.

So it was CRAZY fun to buy Chica her very first maxi dress today.

And to say she luuuurvs it would be an understatement. She collapsed on her bedroom floor in tears when I said she couldn't wear it to bed (mean mommy, I know).

Drum roll, puh-lease...

I mean, I die.

It's slightly longer in the back than the front, and I just love that it fits her, since I bought it in the girls' section (at Tar-jay), I just got an XS.

I suppose that's one major benefit to having a three-year-old who's crazy tall. More clothing options!

Can't wait to see if she asks to wear this or one of her princess dresses in the morning. Either way, I'm absolutely positive it will get a ton of use.

Oh--and for the record, I let her chose between the red/pink version and this blue/green version, and she went for the cool colors. Just like Mama--ha

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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