Friday, June 26, 2015

Painted Flower Pots Project

Chica (whose third birthday is TOMORROW!) celebrated her birthday with the hubby's fam a couple weeks ago while we were at the lake. And she got this great ready-to-paint flower pot set that's right up her alley.

Yesterday, we busted it out and she selected the first pot she wanted to paint--the butterfly one. And, of course, Chicklet was there to "help" her every step of the way. 

I mean, just look at her. Doesn't she just scream, "assistant havoc-maker"???

I just love seeing these two in The Learning Tower together. It seriously makes me laugh, smile, shake my head, and count my double blessings.

I love love that Chica puts up with sharing the space without ever batting an eye or complaining. 

And I love love that Chicklet pushes through to the forefront and makes herself a part of whatever we're making, painting, eating or baking.

These two are just pure gold (entertainment).

And speaking of entertainment, Chica dug her pot-painting.

And only a true artiste thinks to paint the inside, too.

And the rim.

Of course, Chicklet would've helped out too, given the chance. The paint was so close, yet so far...

And for the finishing (and very important) touch: I bought this packet of poppy flowers.

We drowned the tiny seeds a bit, but hopefully, they'll survive.

And now our hand-painted pot is happily basking on the back porch, where we'll watch for blooms.

Yay for crafty gifts and crafty sisters!


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