Monday, July 27, 2015

Chica's Big Girl Bed!

Well, peeps, Chica hit a major milestone in her young, sweet, I-can't-get-enough-of-her-even-though-her-willfulness-is-growing life about two weeks ago.

Her transition to her BIG GIRL BED!


Now, you might ask: why the hay are you just posting about it now???

Wheeeel...lemme tell ya:

First: I been busy.

Second: I was afraid to jinx the situation by posting too early before we really knew how things were going to go for longer than one night.

Third: I was waiting for one final design element of the room (that was back ordered) to be in place before sharing pics.

But now, I have no more excuses, so let me start from the beginning with a couple pics of us shopping for mattresses with Chica:

Of course, we were just including her in the process so she knew what was going on and felt involved. We didn't actually let our three-year-old make the final decision, ha. 

But in the end, I think she was pretty happy with the bounciness of our choice. 'Cause really, isn't that the most important thing? ;)

Fast forward to later on that week, and the upholstered bed frame arrived:

I had lots of "musts" when it came to selecting the bed:

1. Upholstery rather than wood, to avoid knocked noggins in case of unauthorized and unsupervised jumping monkeys.
2. Neutral color.
3. No discernible headboard or footboard so it could easily sit against the center of the wall to protect her on one side without looking awkward.
4. Low profile, in case of tumbles in the middle of the night.

This one, though slightly pricey (but yay for a discount I got), was just perfect, and will certainly grow with her--and any decor changes to her room--for quite some time.

Daddy took extra care treating any tiny dirt spots that occurred during delivery. So the cream upholstery (with fun pink stitching) is spotless, and I'm happy to report that it was well-treated and very easy to spot clean.

It was easy breezy to break down the crib and store it away until we decide its fate. And then we moved the bed into position, busted out the sheets, comforter and pillows I'd ordered, and voila!

Lovely, simple, but missing that certain something that I ordered about six weeks ago (along with everyone else and their dog, apparently, given the back ordered status). The tulle canopy!

It finally arrived a few days ago, and was soooo easy to install with a simple ceiling screw.

And I wanted just a little something extra for flair, so I bought this garland of lilies to drape around the top. It's lovely, but neutral enough to fit in with the branches and birds already on the wall.

Chica loves it. Her eyes got all big when she walked in the room and saw the hung canopy.

And now, more than two weeks into the transition, I'm SO DANG HAPPY to report was basically no big deal and has not caused a major life upheaval.

Perhaps because God gave me beautiful and healthy, but very challenging infants (hello, milk protein allergies), he decided to thrown me a bone on this one.

I mean, seriously. Chica goes to bed great, as always. She sleeps just as soundly (only ocassional wake-ups a couple nights a week), and has only tumbled out twice. And neither time was a big deal.

But the best part??? And seriously, this is both incredible and unbelievable. She doesn't get out of her bed until I come and get her--both in the morning, and at nap time.

It's like it hasn't even occurred to her that she can.

Or perhaps she just loves the safe space of her bed, just as she did her crib (which is why we left her in it so long and she never attempted to climb out). 

No matter the reason (or how long it might last), I'm sooooooo beyond grateful for Chica's behavior during the home stretch of this pregnancy, when I really value a little down time during the girls' nap time.

So in summary: big girl bed transition is a success! And I'm so glad it came at a time when a lot was going on around here, because it kept me from focusing too much on the sentimentality of my BABY growing up, just one more step at a time.

Happy Monday, peeps!

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