Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Chicklet's 15-Month Checkup

My beautiful, beloved, busy, busy, busy second born babe had her 15-month checkup today, and the major takeaway??? She's grown!

At her one-year checkup she was down near the 10th-ish percentile in weight, though it wasn't too surprising at the time, because she was weaning but not yet drinking cow's milk. So she'd slimmed a bit.

Fast forward three months and she's made up for lost time! She's gained four pounds (so she's now 21 pounds, 3 ounces), and she's up in the 60th percentile--woohoo!

Her doctor was so surprised, she had to weigh her twice ;)

Love my growing girl!

Too bad I was so focused on her weight that I forgot to write down her height! Will have to measure her tomorrow.

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to both of you for this milestone! It's really nice to know that Chicklet's growing up to be a very healthy girl, and she's really adorable. I hope that she'll continue to grow happy and healthy. Have a great day!

    Brendon Hudgins @ Med Care Pediatrics
