Friday, July 10, 2015


Hello, my name is I've-Gone-Off-The-Deep-End, and I am nesting. BIG TIME.

I suppose it was bound to happen as I near the seven-month mark (can it be?? I'm in denial!) of this pregnancy, but MAN did it hit me hard about two weeks ago, and heaven help anyone who is in my organizing/consolidating/decorating/de-cluttering/everything-must-be-in-order path!

In fact, here's my poor eldest, likely hiding under the covers of my bed, mentally begging, "please, for the love of all that is holy, don't drag me on another errand!"

Okay, so, yes, she was also hiding because she didn't want to be dragged up to nap time, but still. I'm pretty sure she's sick of the errands--and her sister, too!

I swear I've tried my best to balance my mile-long "must get done" list with fun for them, as well. But I'm not gonna lie. I'll be glad--for all our sakes--when the worst of this compulsion has passed.

In the meantime, look forward to some upcoming posts about:

-Clearing out the soon-to-be-nursery
-Setting up the new downstairs guest room
-Transitioning Chica's space to a Big Girl room
-Creating--with much pain and angst but ultimately pride--a bench for the laundry room so that space can FINALLY be zen

It's been a biatch, and I'm deeper than bone tired. I'm, like, molecularly tired. And there's much more to go!

But...there are also some fun nursery projects coming up that will keep it all in perspective :)


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