Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sleep Thoughts

Deep thoughts for the day:

Sleep (or lack thereof) is the root of all good and evil in this world.

Toddlers and babies are just tiny humans.

Further explanation of these random, captain-obvious observations:

As with adults, some nights are peaceful and sound; some nights are not.

As with adults, some mornings begin with rejuvenation and renewal; some do not.

And as with adults, some days' activity levels--both mental and physical--demand naps; some do not.

And finally, as with adults, some days bring happy, even-keel moods; some do not.

My point, peeps???

We're at the start of some sort of Chica sleep upheaval in mi casa, and it's impacting the whole household. I'll give more details as soon as I have a better grasp on what exactly is happening.

But for now, I'll just say that (though tired and sometimes frustrated/confused and uber-pregnant) I'm determined to keep things in perspective and remind myself that transitions are natural, and no phase lasts forever.

Oh, and snuggles and savoring the low-key moments are a must.


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