Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Transition Home

Well, peeps, these cutie-pie little feetsies hightailed their way HOME yesterday!

Last shot from the hospital bed...

Last shot from the hospital room...


Look how cute he was, holding onto his car seat strap :) I promise Daddy was a cautious driver!

So by midday, we were all reunited SO HAPPILY under one roof. But by late evening, Mama took a turn for the worst and today was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day :(

Just a lot of the expected but unfortunate things--nausea and yucky vomiting from pain meds I apparently don't like...and things pretty much spiraled terrible from there. 

But...I got some different meds, have certainly worked on getting the others out of my system (unintentionally), and I firmly believe today was the low point.

So onward and upward! But quickly before I sign off and pass out, I wanted to share some pics regarding my other babies and their transitions in relation to this new, little guy. 

First--Chica. Pretty much no surprise hat she's wildly obsessed, coos over him whenever she gets the chance, and continues to be more concerned with Mama's health than jealous over my time away.

Now, Chicklet, sweet thing, has been more apprehensive. This pic from the hospital room pretty much says it all:

And when Baby Boy arrived home, she was a tad more interested in his car seat than in him, ha:

Never fear--Chica welcomed him with open arms (literally):

And sweet, sweet hand holding:

But, I am soooo proud to say that Chicklet warmed up pretty dang fast, as I hoped she would once we were all in our home environment. And before long, she was moving in close for inspection...

Sharing pacis (so sweet!)...

And, yes, poking and prodding a bit--ha...

And by late afternoon, I knew we'd all be okay eventually when Baby Boy was given his very first headband (are we surprised it took less than 24 hours??)...

LOVE all three of my babes like CRAZY.

Do NOT love c-sections. Like, AT ALL.

Looking forward to a better (I hope) day tomorrow!

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