Monday, October 26, 2015

4 Weeks & Firsts

My handsome little man is officially one month old today!

If I didn't have a handful of milestones to report, I almost wouldn't believe it. But it's hard to deny the passing of time when he...

1. Officially outgrew his newborn diapers. (But dang, if I'm not trying to making the last handful of them fit with extender cables and duct tape. I don't want to waste them!).

2. Officially outgrew his newborn PJs. Oye, it hurts. They're so tiny and so darn cute. But he couldn't stretch his legs in there anymore, poor guy. At least I was smart enough to only buy a couple in that size this go around.

3. Survived his first trio bath with his sisters (despite their wild interest in smothering him with love and "helping" to wash his hair while the hubby and I kept it from becoming traumatic).

4. Attended his first church service (if by "attended" you mean showed up five minutes late for the eleven o'clock service that was actually at ten-thirty that day--unbenownst to those of us in a newborn fog--because of a special Reformation/30th Anniversary congregation celebration). But hey. We were in the building. God knows it.

5. FLIPPED FROM HIS FRONT TO HIS BACK! Seriously, peeps. At three weeks and six days, we had a flipper. He's a marvel, I tell ya ;) He knows he's gotta get a move on if he wants to outrun those overzealous sisters!

(Warning: accessories alert.)

I love, love love my Baby Boy. I'm trying so hard to savor these precious, early weeks--even if it means the undoing of the housework and my sanity, ha.

This phase is so fleeting, and so burned in my brain with each of my girls because of the time I took to soak it up. That's inevitably harder when there are three to juggle, but God granted me some beautiful one-on-one time with my boy today--and I was smart enough to take it. Cleaning be damned (er, darned)!

Happy Halloween Week, peeps!

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