Thursday, October 8, 2015

Checkups, checkups, everyone!

Nothing like hauling our family o' five to the pediatrician. Just toss 'em all in a room and go from big to small, and see who's left kicking.

This little lady got her flu mist shot:

This other little lady had her 18-month checkup, along with her shots. Her stats: 23 pounds (50th percentile), and a height I can't remember ('cause I have three kids now and will likely fail to remember anything ever again), but that put her in the 70th percentile:

And this little man got a gold star for regaining--and surpassing--his birth weight six days ahead of schedule, making him eight pounds, four ounces, and 21.25 inches long.

Yah for my checked-up brood!

And double--no, triple--yay for not having to go back until Baby Boy is two months old!

P.S. I have no point whatsoever for the following bonus pics, they're just cute.

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