Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Inaugural Bjorn Ride

Today was a banner day, peeps. Because I braved the Caesarian incision enough to bust out the Bjorn and it was just as gloriously hands-free as I remembered:

I went with my older, original Bjorn that's not as heavy-duty as my newer one. No waist/back support strap, so it was really no biggie with the scar since it rides higher on the chest.

I'll still use it sparingly until I feel a bit more healed, but it's sooooo nice to know it's available to me now instead of just the stroller ('cause in general, I'm really not a stroller gal).

In other non-related news: Chica had a third day of quiet time, alone, back in her room.

I promise to give more details about our recent changes if we get to the week mark and she's still tolerating it. But for now, I'll just say that it's strange and glorious to check the monitor and find her napping:

And to say it's a blessing would be putting it mildly, because it allows me some brief but priceless snuggle time with Baby Boy while he's still so fresh and cuddly and acclimating to life on the outside:

We're still very much adjusting to our new life normal around here, but I can see comforting patterns developing that help assure me that we'll survive, even when the rotation of family has ended. 

Plus, as insane as it seems, going from two kids to three is definitely not as daunting as going from one to two.

Thank goodness, because I already look at my crazy threesome and can't imagine what it would be like without our little man in the mix.

Love my kiddos like crazy.

And Daddy, too :)

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

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