Monday, November 9, 2015

6 Weeks

I couldn't help myself (again).

Lacking the proper motor skills to rip the giraffe hat from his adorable little head, he retaliated the only way he knew how: by looking wildly unimpressed.

But even that failed. 'Cause he's too cute that way.

Fun fact: that giraffe outfit and hat were among the first items the hubby and I bought when we found out we were having a boy :)

Luckily, that boy still loves his mama despite the getup--and specifically requested some snuggles this afternoon while his sisters were loudly and actively not napping in their rooms.

He's so sweet. And so lovable. With such crazy hair. I'm just dying for him to smile, but I've only been blessed with a teaser so far.

This should be the week!

So here's hoping my trio of beloved children all shake their congestion soon.

Happy Monday!

Oh, and as a bonus--a costume change for the weekly pic. I thought it might help him feel a bit more agreeable. Alas, he was still rather unimpressed, ha. I blame the congestion ;)

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