Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Our Walkabouts

There are so many little things that I'd love to be posting about these days that just skip through the cracks for lack of time. Where, oh where do the days go??? (I could answer my own question, but I'll abstain. It's a looooong list involving lots o' diapers!)

But there's one lovely thing that I want to make sure to share. A new routine of early evening walks with my trio :)

The weather has been so wonderful and the daylight all the more precious, that it's become our habit to set out between that magical hour before sunset when the behavioral witching hour is upon us and the countdown for Daddy's arrival home has begun.

It's such an easy way to give us all a refreshing hour outdoors. If by "easy" you mean pushing fifty pounds of kids in a double stroller whilst hauling another ten-pounder on my chest, ha.

In all honesty, it's not so bad when we're not in the areas with a decent incline, and the stimulation it provides the girls far outweighs the effort of getting everyone and everything out the door.

We notice and discuss everything under the sun (literally).

The clouds that look like someone drew a line with a white colored pencil...

The rainbow in the fountain...

We spot ducks and turtles and cranes, and we've been wildly fascinated with the changing of the leaves, hoarding the best-colored ones in the stroller.

When I hear my eldest list off the colors in the sunset, and she mimics my descriptors and says, "gorgeous" in that adorable three-year-old voice, I just die.

And when my Chicklet holds a giant acorn for the duration of the walk, and carries a crimson-colored oak leaf with her, even into the car later, I'm so grateful for the motivation it takes every day to get us out the door and on our way.

I can't wait to see what this guy notices someday:

Until then, I'll be eternally grateful for these lovely Fall moments. Life's a beautiful thing, peeps.

Happy Hump Day :)

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