Monday, November 16, 2015

7 Weeks

My Baby Boy is growing like a WEED!

On the agenda for tomorrow: buying him bigger pantalones! Yesterday, some fit. Today, some did not, He's just so stinking adorable and healthy and changing literally overnight.

I caught him in semi-smile, snuggle-with-the-pillow mode today:

In other adorable Monday news...this is my eldest, in the beautifully red and sparkly and festive headband she picked out, ripped the tag off of, and put on her adorable little noggin right in the store, thus ensuring its purchase :)

And here's the fascinator headband that didn't come home with us today, but I suspect will at some point in the future--ha:

And lastly, on the adorable front...I give you a close-up of my angelic Chicklet, who fell asleep for ten minutes in the car today, on the way to have lunch with Daddy:

I'm thrice blessed. Thrice entertained. And thrice exhausted ;)

Happy Monday, peeps.

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