Monday, December 14, 2015

10 Weeks & Ick!

My Little Man is double digits now! Yippee! 

Just think...a couple more weeks and he'll be a teen ;) 

In other news, our house is an incubated cocoon of plague.

Hand, foot and mouth has struck again. And I really really hate that darn name, because it sounds so icky and dirty. (And ironically inaccurate, since my kiddos do not have the telltale rash on their hands, feet or mouth. And neither did they the last time they had it!)

Poor Chica is the worst and I'm playing constant defense to keep her out of brother's face. In fact, this is the one and only time today she was permitted to come near him--and it was only due to guilt, because last night I made her cry when I wouldn't let her kiss him :(

So we were quarantined today--other than a quick drive-through run, as we never made it to the grocery store before the ick hit. And I know we'll be quarantined again tomorrow. Booooo.

'Tis NOT this season for this!

Oh well. This, too, shall pass.

Just probably not for a week or so. Sigh.

Hey--on the bright side, maybe I'll just get them some red, polka dot Christmas pjs to match their rashy splotchies (that's medical lingo, peeps.)

Happy Not-So-Merry-Monday!

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