Monday, January 4, 2016

14 Weeks

My snuggly, smiley, beautiful, giggly (seriously--he's ticklish!), healthy, laid-back baby boy is GROWING TOO FAST!

Already 14 weeks???

Say it ain't so!

(And please ignore the fact that every weekly pic post from here to the end of the year will begin with a whining preamble of that sort. M'kay? M'kay.)

I mean, look how handsome!

I know I'm a weeeeee bit biased, but he is just too.darn.cute.

And so is Chicklet, who has a meltdown if I don't let her crash every week ;)

A little too much love, ha.

And on a totally unrelated note--here's Chica with her "veil" just like Princess Merida. Apparently. Or so she tells me.

And here's Chicklet in the Elsa heels that are a tad big, but now hers. She luuuuurvs them. (But only got to wear them on the hardwood this once--ha. Carpet it is!)

Thrice blessed. 

And thrice exhausted getting back into our normal groove (and slightly fearful I'm getting sick. PRAY FOR ME!)

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