Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Little Man's Sleep Transition

See this cutie-pie, just-awake-for-the-day baby boy???

Well, he survived his yucky sleep transition from our room to his room last night and still smiled come morning!

Praise. The. Heavens. 'Cause he screamed for an hour straight when I put him in his crib, and only stopped when I cheated and snuck in to give him a paci, enabling him to calm enough to pass out from exhauation. I just couldn't take any more of my baby crying!!!! I was on the proverbial cliff, people!


his nighttime sleep had been steadily deteriorating for the past month or so, and I knew we needed to transition him. I was really trying to hold out for: 1) the four-month mark, when our pediatrician recommends crying it out, if need be, and 2) for his flipping skills to get better so he could get himself in cozier positions.

Alas, yesterday morning, after a night of little more than 45 minutes of sleep at a time (again), I waved the white flag of surrender. (Or rather, I think I did, but I was delirious from insomnia and barely capable of holding up my head, let alone my hand, so I can't be entirely certain.)

And when he woke by having a poo so large it went up to his back to his neck and soiled his little sleeping hammock, I considered it his way of telling me, "I'm done with this s***." Ha.

Message received.

Seriously. The hour of crying was tough. It's been harder on me psychologically with each baby. But he only woke once last night (with just a second stirring that he settled himself down from), which is an ever-loving miracle.

He was so tired tonight that he fell asleep in my arms. So no crying. But he's been snoozing happily since then, which is beyond wonderful.

So...all in all. It was for sure time for all involved. And now, we'll try to settle into the new normal.

Yay, sleep (I hope!).

I vaguely remember you, my friend.

And I know the bags under my eyes do.


Happy Hump day, peeps!

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