Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dollar Bins & A Million Thanks

Today, I shed a tear in Target.

When we arrived, they were unloading new items to transition the dollar bins from Valentine's to Spring/Easter/St. Patrick's Day, and the sight was so majestic, I almost couldn't stare straight at it. Like witnessing a solar eclipse.

The girls (and sweet Little Man) and I had such a blast looking, grabbing and hollering to one another over what we found. It was pure joy.

And as I chucked item after superfluous-but-superduperfantastic item into our cart (bunny bubble wands, giant ready-to-decorate eggs, shamrock headbands, anyone?), I literally welled up with tears, as I so often do when overwhelmed with gratitude for my life (Don't even get me started on my Tax Refund of 2014 Crying Jag. Hey--I was pregnant. And extra-special emotional).

God has blessed our family beyond my comprehension. I have happy, healthy, amazing children and a husband whose hard work and dedication provides us with a life so rich in goods and experiences that I get emotional every time I think about it.

Dang blessings. Dang Target and your glorious dollar bins. I love you 'til I'm silly with it!

And now...our haul:

60% projects to tuck away for the girls
30% holiday decor
10% why-the-heck-not?

(Please don't judge me. Remember--it's all $1 or $3!)

I seriously adore days like this. When I'm feeling chock full of crafts and festivity and love.

Happy Dollar Bin Hump Day, peeps!

P.S. I had the great pleasure of sending the hubby the following text today:

Your eldest is wanting to ask you if you know where Pixie Hollow is so she can get some pixie dust to fly. So when you have a moment, call to discuss. 

And then, due to her incessant requests, I had to send this follow up:

She's quite insistent she speak with you, ha.

As it turns out (after successfully consulting with daddy), the "pixie dust" could be found in our very own front yard. Apparently he taught her to use the dried grass clippings last weekend when I wasn't around. And, of course, any good fairy knows you have to sprinkle it over your head and wings in order to fly.

Due to the cuteness factor here, I'll overlook the pixie dust that followed us inside the house. Apparently Chica requires a lot of the stuff to fly ;)

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