Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hand Puppet Project

Helloooooo, from the flip side of a very, very loooong day.

My babies were cranky.

And tired.

Tired and cranky.

And a little not-feeling-so-well.

And prone to crying.

And Daddy was home late.

So Mama was exhausted.

No biggie. It happens. It's the universe balancing out our happy, productive, fun days (which this was not). 

But, we took the opportunity to bust out one of their Christmas gifts, and it was just the distraction we needed for a bit.

Hand puppets!

Chica selected the elephant. Naturally. We love elephants 'round this house.

The kit came with easy breezy assembly instructions.

And all that was required was punching out the shapes, gluing (glueing???) them in place, and then flourishing with stickers :)

Unfortunately, Chicklet had a bit of a short attention span and decided to make some phone calls instead. From the cash register. 'Cause that's what she likes to use for a phone--ha.

But we won her back with glue stick duties ;)

I had to break off near the end to get Little Man down for a nap, and left Chica to finish with the stickers. She came racing in to show off her handiwork, and she was so dang proud, it was

And when I taught her to put in on her right hand, she immediately held out her left, and said we needed to make a second one, hehe.

So back to work...on a lion.



So cute and easy, and we still have two others we can make another day.

Perhaps another day when my babies are a bit happier! But, hey--at least I got some snuggles out of it :) And...tomorrow's Friday. Woohoo.

Peace out, peeps. 

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