Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Second Play Date!

You know it's a successful play date when one daughter stares longingly out the window when everybody leaves...

And the other wallows in her pillow prison of sadness on the couch...

And you know what? Mine weren't the only bummed beauties. There were other tears from the cutie pies who had to leave--ha. I guess it's safe to say our after-dance class play dates are a hit ;)

Today, we had five fun friends--both Chica and Chicklet's age--who had an absolute blast playing in princess dresses, making valentines, and just being cute, chaotic kids.

This has become exactly what I hoped for the girls--and I think the participating moms are enjoying it, too.

And the added bonus--my trio slept super-duper soundly for naps today. And I even got one myself (woohoo!).

And I fell asleep feeling so appreciative and at peace and grateful to God for so many things, but specifically, for enabling me to tap into some lovely people who were already in our lives.

Yay for a happy Hump Day.

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