Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Little Man's 4-Month Checkup

Well, my little flipping pro got a glowing report at the doctor today (and was so eager to show off his skills that he couldn't even stay put on the exam table, hehe).

He's officially 15 pounds, 12 ounces :) and his full stats are...

Weight--55th percentile
Height--65th percentile
Head--25th percentile

Still trending longish with a smallish head, just like his sisters.

And man, is he living up his view from his belly. Though the poor guy can't get a moment's peace without his sister brigade.

They're there when he wakes...

And when he plays...

And about a million other moments of the day that I haven't captured (well, not today, at least, ha). But he doesn't seem to mind, and it just melts this Mama's heart to see all her ducks in a cluster.

It's like foreshadowing of the day they're all clumped like that, complaining about me, ha.

And I'll love 'em even then (remind me I said that).

Other bonus shots from today...

The girls behaving so well for me during the doctor's visit:

(Chica even brought her stethoscope along with her [much to the joy of the staff], and slung it around her neck when she saw that's how the doctor had it when not in use. So. Dang. Cute.

And because they were so good for me at the doctor's office, we went to the mall afterward for a ride on the carousel and perusal of the princess store.

And last but not least, here's my Little Man, needing some extra, Mama nap snuggles after his shots. It was such a "pain" to oblige, lemme tell ya ;)

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

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