Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tots Art & Pond Picnics

Howdy, howdy, ho! (Was that as annoying as it sounded as I typed it??? I'm gonna go with a yup and tone it down a notch.) And happy Thursday!

I'll make this quick, peeps.

Today, we crafted, we picnicked, I walked my girlies to the point of exhaustion. Literally. And then, after all that awesomeness, and nap time, things fell spectacularly apart, as they've tended to do every afternoon this week, ha. 

Oh well. It can't be all awesomesauce all the time. Am I right, or am I right

But let's remember the good times, shall we?

Our project: a fun Christmas gift that Chicklet received. Great for tiny, still-learning-to-craft tots. Woohoo!

We started with this nifty tissue paper project. It was basically like a huge, sticky surface they could just slap pieces onto.

Then came the sticker flair.

Then while Chicklet took a tiny break to eat glue (yep, a glue stick), Chica practiced her letter "R" skills. Look how good! (It's hard to see in the pic, but my finger is pointing to it.)

Here was the gorgeously colorful finished product. Can I get a what/what?!

Next up...a fun tree to decorate with stickers.

And a fun giraffe.

Look how lovely the finished products are!


After the project fun, we ramped things up further by deciding to pack up a picnic and go to the pond. Amazing! Chica volunteered to carry it all in her backpack. I love :)

Now, here's where my stupid starts showing.

Because all 70 pounds of my trio is getting hard to push in the double stroller whilst wearing the bjorn, I decided to just go nuts and set them FREE (terrible, glorious idea).

It was chaos unhinged.

I was EXHAUSTED from corralling them and constantly ensuring they weren't hurling themselves in the open body of water, but they were deliriously happy.

And then we picnicked.

And it was perfect.

And then, things crumbled on the walk home when everybody was just too tired to keep up their stamina.

Chica eventually asked to sit in the stroller for a bit, but Chicklet flat-out refused and took off like Usain Bolt every time I tried to wrangle her and just stubbornly soldiered on.

I particularly "enjoyed" the bit when we managed to cause a pile-up in a residential street because one, poor car felt sorry for our traveling circus and just would not continue (no matter how many times I waved him on) until we'd crossed in front of him. Four cars piled up behind him and one even honked before we made it across, haha.

Eventually, I just drop tackled Chicket (with Little Man still strapped to my chest) kicking and wailing just so she had a few minutes of the final stretch off her feet.

If only someone has drop tackled me....

Still. Challenges aside, it was so much fun. And so exhausting that after I chucked all three in the bath and put Little Man in his crib, this is how I found Chicklet:

And then, after I put Chicklet in her crib and came back for the final child, this is how I found Chica:

Yep. That's right. I broke my children.


So they slept well (surprise?), though Little Man did not (poo interruption, argh!), so I am sooooo looking forward to my bedtime in just a few!

These are the crazy, busy days I live for. And collapse over later ;)

Happy Thursday, peeps!

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