Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Potential Back Saver

So, unfortunately, I've got a bit of a bad back (a statement that makes me sound like an octogenarian, I know).

It's not the kind of trouble that ails me all day, every day. But rather, the kind that flares up and causes me pretty intense pain for a week or two before subsiding.

It started in college, likely as a direct result of years of ballet (or so a chiropractor concluded). But it's certainly been exacerbated by pregnancies and (wo)manhandling my trio of beloved kiddos.

The best treatment I've found is prevention (soooo much easier said than done). If I can manage to get to a yoga class once every week or two for some intense stretching, it goes a long way. But I just haven't been able to adopt a regular go of it yet since Little Man's birth. Otherwise, when it gets bad, ice, powering through, and popping Advil are my options.

Anywho...all that to say, my back is currently no bueno. Pretty yucky.

But...following a related convo today with one of my dance class mom friends, I was loaned a different kind of baby carrier.

It's an Ergo one, and though I was wildly skeptical (and I'm not gonna lie, the color is almost as no bueno as the state of my back), I was shocked to find that it distributes the weight much differently than my two Bjorns.

I used it for our evening family walk and I couldn't get over how much better it was for my back trouble. Only problem--this version I was loaned is only for inward facing, and Little Man is already accustomed to outward, so he was a tad annoyed.

However...should I decide it's worth the investment, they do make a different one that allows for forward-facing, too (in other colors--whew).

I kind of feel like an idiot for not exploring other baby carrier options sooner. I mean, I'll really just need one for about another six months, max.

But the cost of a better solution for those six months--when I still really need one to survive with all three kids on the go--with Little Man will only getting heavier, could totally be worth the protection of my back.

So...stay tuned.


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