Friday, March 18, 2016

Balloon Race Cars!

So I keep forgetting to post about this project we did a couple weeks ago, but it was a super fun one so I don't want it to fall into the don't-have-time-to-share abyss. So I finally sorted through all the pics, and heeeeere we go!

It was our monthly Kiwi Crate project--balloon--race cars, and I have two general pearls of wisdom to sum it up:

1. Don't involve balloons in a project for toddlers unless you want them totally and completely distracted by the presence of said balloon, and therefore, unwilling to assist in any component of the project that is not about the balloon.

2. Regardless of the balloon, this project was on a complication level similar to the hilarious and infamous Claw project of a few months ago. Meaning: low kid involvement to create; uber high kid enjoyment of finished product.

Okay, so here it is: 

Chica was able to help with the decor of the car before assembly. We picked a stencil (flames) and she helped "spray paint" it:


Then we spray painted a tiny "3" on her car, to represent her age. And a tiny "1" for Chicklet's car, hehe.

And then I lost their attention for a bit while I was left to toil alone for about 27 steps.

But, look! I won Chica back with a semi-assembled car (still minus wheels and balloon power):


For the love of all that is holy, YES, you can play with the balloon!

But she focused a bit on some stickers to decorate the cars' exteriors, at least ;)

And then, about ten minutes later, once both cars were fully assembled (lest I start a sibling war to rival no other), we tested things out!

Chica huffed...

And she puffed...

And so did Chicklet :)

But blowing balloons is pretty tough for wee ones--at least until the balloons are a bit more worn in.

So I handled it for them, and the cars zoomed on the power of the air leaving the balloon, and the girlies were ecstatic!

And we did it over and over. It was just hard to get pics of the action.

Luckily, we played with them for days, and Daddy joined in on the fun. So I got some pics then :)

So, so fun.

And a great challenge for Chica to learn to blow up the balloon herself.

Oh, and Little Man was pretty fascinated with them, too, hehe.

Super fun project. If a little complicated on the assembly side.

And sturdy enough that both cars are still with us for sporadic fun. Woohoo!

Zoom, zoom!

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