Friday, March 18, 2016

Easter Bunny Pics--2016

So let's just go ahead and be real, here. The Easter Bunny that we all take young, unsuspecting children to see (and rarely smile with) for pictures is, well, downright creepy.

He doesn't talk, is usually giant, and has a frozen, masked smile for a face.

If that isn't a mute recipe for disaster, I don't know what is.

So...this year, when I happened upon an ad for a little photography studio nearby that offers 10-minute Easter sessions with live bunnies instead of a giant, walking terror, I thought, Yup. Doin' it.

It was easy breezy, they ran right on schedule, and we purchased these three adorable pics:

We were soooo lucky to get that first shot with Chicklet, because she apparently still hates a camera flash and had a breakdown after just that one pic, ha.

But I have faith that, like Chica, she will age a bit and become so much more photo-cooperative.

And then I'm sure Little Man will take over the uncooperative reigns, ha. about three to four years, I'm sure I can look forward to bribing them all to look in the same direction and smile.


Happy Weekend, peeps!

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