Saturday, April 30, 2016

My Outrageously Cute Little Man

I mean, would you just look at this adorable little nugget of gobble-him-up cuteness??? (The tiny one).

My little guy is developing not just his movement skills, but his personality--big time.

He's always been the giggliest of my babies. So hilariously ticklish--even half asleep at 2 a.m., sometimes.

And heaven knows, he's my smoochiest--grabbing my face all the time for kisses. (He's a loverboy, that one.)

But it looks like he might also end up being my most vocal, at least at the rate he's going. And that's some feat, given the boisterous babies we seem to breed.

He's gabbering, growling, hollering. Trying to get a word in amongst all the ladies he's stuck with during the day, I have no doubt.

I love him to pieces and bits, and even more pieces.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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