Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Stencil-Painted Canvases!

Yesterday, when Chica asked to do a project in the morning (like pretty much every morning), I realized to my great horror that--gasp!--we were running a bit low in the craft closet.

Probably because we went on a great post-Christmas/things-people-gave-us, then Valentine's, then Easter/Spring project run, and that has all come to an end. Yikes!

Alas, there was nothing to fear, as Tuesday usually ends up being our Target day (well, Tuesday...and every other day of the week, with few excuses needed, ha).

So I grabbed just a couple of things, and have made a note to order a couple others I've found online, just to keep us fully stocked!

This find was a quick grab, and I'm so incredibly glad I snagged it, because it was easy and fun. It's a self-adhesive plastic stencil:

I bought two different designs (one for each girlie) and remembered I had some leftover blank canvases already on hand. That, and some washable paint (also at home), and we were good to go!

At this point, Chicklet decided she needed a snack break ;) so Chica helped finish up both canvases.

Then we peeled off the stencils, and, voila!

I love, love how they turned out

Probably my favorite painted thing they've produced thus far.

And the awesome thing is that I couldn't have planned the colors better if I tried. You know how sometimes, when kids get all messy/swirly with paint, you just end up with a gross brown hue?? Well, not this time!

Seriously, so lovely!

They coordinate so well with the palette of the playroom, I think I'm going to hang them up for awhile.

Oh, and I'm happy to report that the stencils are reusable and washed clean in about two seconds. They even retained their adhesive, so we'll for sure bust them out again. Perfect for a $4.99 purchase.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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