Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Dance Class Pretty-As-A-Picture Day

So today was a very special memory-making day for me--due in large part to God's great mercy (or in this case, a couple of small mercies).

It was picture day/dress rehearsal at dance class--an event that I knew would be super fun, if we managed to all make it there with our wits about us, as I knew it would be challenging to do the hair/makeup costume for Chica with the other two underfoot.

But...God woke me early and feeling better than I deserved while sick and running on little sleep.

Then God woke Chica early and gave her the happiest, most enthusiastic disposition.

Then God kept my other two (still sick but recovering...slowly) babes asleep half an hour longer than usual so that Chica and I could have some special mother-daughter time to get dolled up for this milestone first.

So now, before I go through the step-by-step with a gazillion pics, I'll share this one to end the suspense ;)

I mean, I DIE. So lovely my heart bursts :)

So first, we hopped in the shower, as the dance teacher recommended soaking wet hair for ease of styling (and she was so right, btw). With gel (also her recommend), it was a breeze to get Chica's hair how it was supposed to be. And since she never has it pulled back, it was a ridiculous joy for me to see her beautiful little ears and angelic face!

Then came the part she was so. stinking. excited. for. The makeup!

She was really just pumped about the clear, glittered, Frozen lip gloss we picked up at Target yesterday, hehe.

I mean, could she be any cuter??? (Even though she's wiping the extra gloss on her costume, beneath the waist cinching, ha).

Next up--the obnoxiously sparkled eyeshadow we also picked our yesterday :) She went for the purple. Naturally.

I could not love this sight more:

I mean...sooooo precious.

For the record, when I gave her a mirror to check out the eye shadow, she scrunched her lids shut and then said, "but how can I see it now??" Ah, the eternal challenge for women the world over. Too young to close one eye at a time ;)

I mean, I just couldn't get over how lovely and grown-up she looked! So I took about a thousand more pics, for kicks.

And by then, my other two were stirring, so we went to surprise Chicklet with my very first tutu (that my mother saved and brought me recently), so that she could dress up, too, and not feel left out.

Cue the awwwwwws:

I think she felt soooo special to be in on the dress-up and looked so ridiculously beautiful and precious herself!

Then...all the dolled up ladies went to get Little Man.

And we paused for another pic...

And eventually made it downstairs for a quick breakfast/Sofia viewing before we had to head out.

Naturally, we watched the ballet episode.

Then I wrapped Chica in one of my bath robes for breakfast.

And eventually, we made it to the chaos of class/pictures/rehearsal.

It was an absolute MADHOUSE, which made me all-the-more grateful for the precious prep time at home.

But Chicklet managed to run loose in one studio while the older girls were in the other :)

She was in heaven.

Soooo ready for her own class.

I'm so proud of all these little nuggets--and their siblings--for all the attention they've put into their classes this past year.

And, look--a trophy!

And this one, of my girlies hugging one another after class. I mean, I just. Can't. Stand. It.

I thank God so very often for the gift of this first dance experience. Can't say enough beautiful things about it, so I'll just sign off after a looooong day and look forward to the official recital on Saturday--though, at this point, it's just the cherry on the sundae :)

Night, peeps!

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