Saturday, May 21, 2016

Spring Dance Recital--2016

We did it! Woohoo!

The whole fam survived the in-studio dress rehearsal, on-site rehearsal, and actual recital for Chica's first dance class (cue trumpets, as I'm not gonna lie--it's a lot o' work when you have three kiddos under the age of four and all these rehearsals interrupt nap times!).

But it was totally and completely worth it to enjoy the fun of this event--and to see Chica perform enthusiastically with her friends.

I was a bit skeptical that it would go well, considering yesterday's stage rehearsal caused her to break down sobbing and cry the entire time. Why?? Who the heck knows. Something unsettled her (I think during the dark walk backstage to get to the wings before walking out), and she was a super cute but hilarious mess the whole time, as evidenced by this pic of her covering her face:

I mean, she was a hiccuping, crying bundle of cuteness. She was totally that kid. But I gotta tell ya--I was unbelievably proud of some of her little friends, who were so kind and compassionate, and so set on comforting her. It was the biggest, heart-warming thing to witness.

And then last night and today, we talked a lot about why she had been upset and why she didn't need to be. And lo and behold--today, she was brilliant!

She was thrilled to get ready, play backstage (with Chicklet joining in every step of the way), danced the whole number in her awesome, distracted way--waving and smiling to someone she thought was Daddy or I, but wasn't, haha), and I could not be more proud.

And tired. I'm so very tired after a long week of commitments and sickness.

So...I'm just gonna post all these pics and call it a night, and I'm soooo looking forward to a slower few days ahead!

On the way...

Chicklet dolled up in her tutu (she broke down crying until we figured out she wanted to wear it again, ha)...

The backstage entertainment holding area...

The girls all lined up and adorable...

Her triumphant post-performance pose (after switching into ballet shoes for the all-dancers finals number with flashlights, because tap shoes are slippery!)...

Nanna and Little Man--who were both champs throughout the recital...

The girls--and a ridiculously-happy-to-be-included--Chicklet, all lined up for the finale number...

The whole fam afterward...

Chica and a mouthful of chicken nugget, holding the flowers Daddy bought her...


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