Wednesday, May 11, 2016

His Odds

Anytime I feel guilty about dragging Little Man to his sisters' activities, I remind myself of his incredible (future) fortune. And incredible odds.

2 Older Sisters + Dozens of Older Sister Friends = Opportunity for Teenage Brother ;)

I mean, case in point--today's princess birthday party for a dance class friend. See him there in the bottom right?

Someday, that little dude will be in heaven with all those ladies. Ha.

Or at the very least, with three women in the household, maybe he'll gain a teeny-tiny bit of insight into the female psyche.

In the meantime, as exhausting as it is sometimes to juggle my trio in settings like today, I'm cherishing every moment, as it's a fleeting a beautiful time with all three underfoot before school and other commitments creep in.

I love my babies to bits and pieces. And I'm so glad they're having such fun with lovely friends.

Oh, and note to self--next time they get a dry erase goodie bag treat, keep a beady eye out on the ride home. ;)

Thank goodness tomorrow's already Thursday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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