Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A Splashing Success!

There is a special satisfaction that comes from totally wiping your kids out--with fun.  

Like, the kind of exhaustion where their little eyes are rolling back during story time in bed.

And today, my peeps, I totally made it happen (cue clapping).

They were all three up relatively early from afternoon naps, I knew Daddy would be home a bit late from work, and I wanted to let them blow off some energy--without sweating to death. Oh, and I wanted to erase the bad mojo from yesterday's swim class!

Sooooo...we made our inaugural trip to the pool (cue more clapping)!

Turns out, having three to track and chase is totally doable--and in some ways, far easier than being hugely pregnant and stooping to help a not-much-older-than-walking Chicklet (like last summer).

And--look! My screaming (beloved) child from yesterday's class had the time of her life today!

Apparently, she just wants to do her own thing ;)

And I know she prefers being able to touch the bottom--and belly-flop till her heart's content. And chase and play with her sister :)

They seriously were in heaven. And since they've both gotten much taller since last summer, they had a greater range of play space, which made things easier on me.

I mean, don't get me wrong--doing the pool with three kids age four and under is not at all easy-peasy! was a boatload of fun, so the work involved is so worth it.

I had a trio of happy campers.

Oh--and Little Man was in a little water sling thing with me, which helped with the logistics of carrying him around on my hip for the hour we were there. He's currently a bit wary of the water--well, of being splashed, more specifically. But he was thrilled to check it all out, and he looks so dang adorable in his swim suit onesie thingie (technical term).

Now if only somebody would come up with a huge vat of sunscreen I can just dip each kid into before we head out the door, things will be even easier!

So...yay for pool fun.

And here's hoping some happy water exposure will help with next week's swim class!

Peace out, peeps!

P.S. Another mother stopped me as we were leaving and said, "you're a rockstar." And I'm not gonna lie--I totally appreciated that compliment. She had two kids and wouldn't come without her husband as backup.

Through trial and error (or maybe just a worn-down embarrassment threshold, ha), I've learned not to let the fear of meltdowns and epic disasters keep us from doing things. But it's still so ridiculously nice to have somebody--even a stranger--notice the work that goes into the juggling. So, yay for that nice person and nice ego boost.

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