Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Baby Doll Bjorn

So...for Christmas last year, I purchased a couple of doll-related items for the girlies, thinking they might start to become interested in babies of their own. But in the end, I held the gifts back because they were already receiving more than enough, and I didn't want to venture into the overkill zone.

So what a fun, random joy today to be able to bust out one of the items that's been sitting in a closet all these months. Just for a summertime treat :)

We didn't get out all five pieces--just the car seat, bounce seat and carrier--but it was more than enough to have the girlies super excited (in fact, neither one napped today, and I'm pretty sure this is why, ha).

Now, are you ready to see the cutest thing EVER??? I mean, I die.

Chica took her baby on a walk with us this afternoon, in her bjorn. And between that bjorn, her awesomesauce sunglasses, and the fact that she named her baby "Slushylicious," I was on cuteness overload.

Not to mention, my freaking adorable Chicklet in her personally-chosen accessories and cutie-pie shorts. 

And then thrown in my Little Man and his hat and I just. Can't. Take. It.

Not gonna lie, though, it's getting flaming hot outside. Gonna have to reserve walks for mornings only pretty soon.

But I just love this resting shot, hehe.

Oh--and I'm BEYOND THRILLED to report that swim lessons were much less traumatic today (cue angels rejoicing)!!!

Three insanely sweet young ladies who work there basically took turns snuggling with Little Man so I could focus on Chicklet today.

With undivided attention (and some stern but loving reminders that she was not to cry), things were vastly improved.

I'm hoping that a few more weeks at this steady pace and she'll get more comfortable with the instructor, thus freeing me up to get in the water some with Little Man.

Baby steps. Baby steps.

And lastly, for this Tuesday night--a doll-related chuckle.

Chica knows Mama sleeps with an eye mask to block the light (true fact; I can't survive without it), so she put this over her baby's eyes to sleep ;)

Not just any sock, my friends, but a reindeer one, ha.

Love it.

Over and out. 

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