Thursday, June 23, 2016

Chica's Original Song

Double-post alert!

I'm soooo ready to pack it in for the night, but I'm worried if I don't post this, I'll forget to, and it's golden. Golden, golden, golden

Today, after Chica's quiet time/nap time (during which she rarely sleeps these days, but keeps herself so unbelievably, awesomely entertained--without electronics, or really much of anything but her imagination), she told me she had something to show me.

And then she brought me in her room, where she got all shy and giggly, but then powered through so she could...sing me the song she made up during quiet time.

No joke. 

She made up a whole song (that she sang over and over, at my request--always with the same words and tune).

And here, my peeps, are the amazeballs lyrics (that I painstakingly confirmed with her so I wouldn't miss a single, hilarious word):

Hey, don't get frustrated
You'll always get dessert
'Cause she makes it for my aunt
I'll always be true
You'll always get dessert
This is silly
In the night to save the day
Hey, don't get frustrated
You'll always get dessert 

I mean, I DIED. 

And totally got her singing it on video.

And the final gem--her title to the song ('cause, yup, she had one):

The Angry Song.

I mean.



(And on that note, stay tuned in upcoming days for a cuteness ode to my beloved second born, who is just melting my heart these days!)

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