Thursday, June 23, 2016

Let The Celebrating Begin!

Well, peeps, Chica's fourth (fourth!) birthday is still a few days away, but I'm pretty sure we just kicked things off with this:

In case you aren't a four-year-old--or a parent of one--lemme tell ya what that costume is (in case I haven't mentioned it on this here blog in a while.)

It's Owlette, the pajama-ed superhero from a Disney show that Chica luuuuurvs.

Owlette is Chica's super-duper-uper favorite, and she pretends to be her all day, every day (when she's not being a princess or a cheetah).

She typically uses her purple butterfly wings to pretend she's Owlette, but when she asked for a real costume for her birthday, well...I made it happen!

Never mind that Disney didn't realize what a big hit this new show would be (silly Disney!) and hadn't pre-planned any merchandise, so they've been scrambling to release toys, etc., and it's been slooooow going (I'm guessing because it was originally a French show that they translated for the U.S., so maybe there have been licensing complications. Is it sad that I've researched all this??? Don't answer that!).

So...I had to track down a random vendor in Portugal (yup, Portugal) to get the best costume I could at the moment, since I'm not handy enough to make one.

I paid nearly as much for expedited international shipping as I did for the wings and mask, because, gosh dang it, if that's all she wanted for her bday, I was going to get it here on time!

We missed the original delivery attempt at home, so we took a field trip to the post office today to retrieve it, and despite the small pain that was, it sorta made it even more exciting ;)

Naturally, we busted it out right there in the car (amazing we held out until then), and Chica was beyond thrilled. Like, giddy giggling as she tore into the package :)

If I were a more organized mother, I would have ordered a red onesie or unitard to complete the look. But, well, I'm not. 

Chica didn't seem to mind, though :)

I have no doubt there will be oodles of Owlette costume available come Halloween, but for now, this one is pretty dang fun.

And I love having a superhero running around the casa.

Now, as if the costume wasn't exciting enough, Chica also got a birthday package from her Godmother, containing several (too generous!), amazing gifts.

Gifts that Chica was kind enough to share with sissy :)

The fun will just keep on keepin' on with a cousin visit this weekend, then a dance class friends play date/party next week...and finally, a Nanna visit to wrap it all up.

Man is it fun to be young and live these birthdays up right!

Happy Almost-Friday, peeps!

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